How To Get Tax Sale Lists for Free

Once you know when the tax sale is coming up in your area, you need to get the list of properties that are in the sale. I use to find tax sale property lists online for tax lien and tax deed sales. This only works for counties that have this information online. For counties or states that do not have this information online, you can either call the tax collector and ask how to get the tax sale list or you can buy the tax sale list from a tax sale list provider. To find out which counties have tax sale information and tax sale lists online, you can consult my State Guide.

To go to the county's web site, first go to and click on the link to find a county. This will bring you to a page with a map of the United States. Click on the state that you are interested in and you'll be taken to that state's web page with a list of all of the counties in the state. Find the county that you are interested in and click on that link. You will be taken to the NACO page for that county. Click on the link to the county on the top of the page and you will go to the county's web site. Note that this will only work if the county has a web site.

County Property Tax

Once you're on the county's web site, look for a link to the department or county office that is responsible for conducting the tax sale. For most states, this will be the county treasurer or county tax collector. If you're not sure who is responsible for the tax sale in your state, then consult my State Guide. Once you get to the web site of the person or department that conducts the tax sale, look for a link to a list of tax sale properties. For larger counties, you can usually find this online. The exception to this is the counties in the Northeastern states. A lot of the Northeastern states do not have county tax sales. Instead the tax sales are conducted by the municipality, so instead of looking for the county web site, in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Rode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Jersey, look for the municipal tax collectors web site - not county web site. New York has both county and municipal sales in some counties.

If you can't find the tax sale list that you want online, you can always buy a list from a tax sale list provider. Even if you can find the tax sale list online for free, you still may want to purchase the list from a tax sale list provider. That's because the list that you get from the tax collector does not always have the information that you need. Frequently it will only have a parcel ID number, owner name, and amount due. What you want to know is what is the address of the property, what is the assessment and value of the property, what type or class property is it, and how big is the property. All of this (and sometimes even more information) is included in the detailed list that you can get from tax sale list providers. I talked about some different tax sale list providers in the last podcast episode, "How to Find Out About Tax Sales." You can listen to that episode to get the names and urls of tax list providers for different areas of the country. Purchasing a detailed tax sale list from one of these companies will save you a lot of work in doing your due diligence.

How To Get Tax Sale Lists for Free

Investing in Alabama Tax Liens and Tax Deeds

In all 67 Alabama counties, property taxes are due October 1 and become delinquent on January 1 the following year. Once property taxes become delinquent for a property, a tax lien is placed on the property until the taxes are paid in full by the property owner. All Alabama tax lien sales take place in late April or early May. In Jefferson County alone, Alabama's largest county, over 4000 tax lien certificates worth over million are sold. In the State of Alabama, the guaranteed interest earned on a tax lien certificate is 12 percent per annum, starting the day of the tax lien sale.

Generally, the tax lien sales are held on the county courthouse steps and the premium bidding method is used. In a premium bidding method, each property is started at the minimum bid, which is usually the sum of property taxes, the accumulated interest on those taxes, and any sale administrative fees, such as advertising the tax lien on the property in the local newspaper. Starting at the minimum bid, investors take turns bidding up the tax lien certificates until there is only one investor remaining who is willing to pay the highest "premium" on the tax lien certificate. Most Alabama county tax auctions start on a Monday and they will continue on consecutive days until all land parcels have been publicly offered.

County Property Tax

The purchaser of a tax lien certificate has the right, but not the obligation, to pay subsequent property taxes on the property each October 1. If the investor allows the subsequent taxes on the property to become delinquent, the tax lien certificate (in the amount of that year's taxes) will be offered again in the April or May sale. If the purchaser holds on to the tax lien certificate, pays all subsequent property taxes for a full three years following the initial tax sale, and the property owner (or other interested party) does not redeem the property (pay all accumulated taxes), the tax lien certificate holder has a right to the tax deed on the property.

All tax lien certificates that did not receive any bids at a county tax sale are assigned to the State of Alabama. These tax lien certificates are often referred to as Over-the-Counter (OTC) or Assignment Purchasing liens. The same "redemption period" is used for these tax lien certificates, which means any tax lien certificates that have been in State inventory for over three years will be offered as tax deeds. Both tax liens and tax deeds in Alabama's state inventory are available for purchase by any private investor. For an OTC tax lien/tax deed list from every Alabama county, go to the Alabama Department of Revenue Property Tax page.

An investor must submit an application to the State for each property for which they have an interest. An investor may submit as many as 20 applications. Instructions and application forms are on the page referenced above. The lists are updated at least once a week. Like any investment, it is important that any investor does their research and due diligence on each property. If a land parcel stays in the State's inventory for more than five years, it is a possibility that an investor can obtain the tax deed to this property for less than the amount of taxes due.

Unlike some other lien states in the United States, tax lien certificates convert into tax deeds after the three-year redemption period without the tax lien certificate holder having to start the foreclosure process on the property. Instead, this tax deed received pursuant to the Alabama process is the result of an administrative foreclosure and does not guarantee a marketable title. So, a quiet title action may be required to gain an insurable title.

To give you an idea of some counties you may want to invest in, I will give you the five most populated Alabama counties below: Jefferson County - 656,700 Mobile County - 404,157 Madison - 304,307 Montgomery - 223, 571 Shelby - 178,182

There is definitely a lot of opportunity when it comes to tax lien and tax deed investing in Alabama.

Investing in Alabama Tax Liens and Tax Deeds

Residential Property Management - How to Set Up a Chart of Accounts

We have several balance sheet accounts. We have assets, cash, receivables - rent that's not been paid but is due - supplies, pre-paid rent, the value of your building less accumulated depreciation, and then you have equipment. There are some other accounts that in theory you could put in here, but it's really not required.

Liability Accounts

County Property Tax

Then we have what are called liability accounts. These are your accounts payable. These include salaries payable, taxes payable - real estate or even income taxes. If you have a mortgage on your property, mortgage payments, you would set it up as a liability.


The third compartment of all balance sheets is your equity. Your owner's equity and the amount maybe you've taken out of your business.

These are a basic, fundamental set of chart of accounts that you can take and can incorporate into your balance sheet. Things like Quicken and most of these software packages will have these chart of accounts pre-populated. You don't even have to worry about it.

A lot of times they have too much. You can start to delete some of them out, because it gets kind of confusing. In particular if you only have a few properties you want to keep it relatively simple.

Statement Accounts

The next are the income statement accounts. We talk about revenue accounts. These are obviously rent. There are late fees, application fees, and potentially interest. If you have a security deposit, then there might be some interest there, and then other. There are potentially other ways that you can earn. You might do some assignment fees and things like that. Those are our basic set of revenue accounts for most landlords to be sufficient.

On the expense side, this is the basic set that we use. There are administrative fees, bank fees, supply expenses, salary expenses, payroll taxes and fees, and things of that nature. Taxes - if you have unemployment or worker's comp you have to file those taxes. There are rent expenses. Maintenance and repairs are going to be a big one for your buildings. If you have a property manager you would have a management fee.


Insurance is definitely another big one. You would obviously have insurance or interest expense. You're going to have marketing costs. You're going to have an office, so there are office supplies, equipment, computers, a fax, and things like that. These are all expenses.

Legal and Accounting Fees

There will be legal and accounting fees if you have an accountant or an attorney involved in your business. You would have to expense those things. There might possibly be corporate taxes. There could be court costs if you have to file evictions and things like that and then miscellaneous expenses. These are a basic chart of accounts that you can use to set up your income statement. That's really it as far as the accounting.

A couple of highlights here. Make sure that you do not co-mingle money. Keep things in nice little silos. Make sure if you've got payroll that you take money from the operating account and move it into the payroll account. That way things remain fairly concise.

Make sure you reconcile your accounts on a regular basis. As you grow and expand, as you get more properties, make sure that you are reconciling those accounts on a fairly regular basis. Do not wait weeks or months before you start reconciling your accounts. It will make your life miserable if you have to spend a lot of time trying to reconcile an account six or eight weeks later.

Residential Property Management - How to Set Up a Chart of Accounts

Tax Consequences of Selling Inherited Property

When you inherit property through either a will or other method such as a gift, you will be responsible for the taxes. There are many different tax consequences that result form selling property that you have inherited.

It is important to be aware of these concequences before you complete the sale. This will help you make sure that you can provide yourself with a quality sale, you get as much out of the sale as possible, and that you provide yourself with the right tax bracket.

County Property Tax

The basic rule is that the recipient's basis for inherited property is stepped up from the benefactor's cost to the asset's fair market value at the time of death. For instance, if a person inherits property worth ,000 and it appreciates to a value of ,000 at the time of sale, the owner will be taxed on the gain of any appreciation of the property. The appreciation in value between ,000 and ,000 will not be recognized for income tax purposes. Gifts are calculated for purposes of gain or loss.

When an asset that was transferred as a gift depreciates to a value below the donor's original cost, the recipient's basis is the fair market value of the asset at the time the gift was received. If the recipient's selling price is higher than the asset's value on the date of the gift but lower than the donor's cost basis, the recipient will have neither a gain nor a loss.

Once properties have been transferred, you are responsible for that property, along with any of the fees that the property might have had. Therefore, you won't be able to change the way the taxes work with the particular property that you have been given through inheritance.

The taxes that you pay on inherited property are going to depend on several factors. First, the taxes are going to depend location of the property.(city, state, and county.) After you have inherited the property, you'll want to contact the city, state, and county to make sure that the property is in the right tax bracket.

The second factor that taxes on inherited properties are going to rely on is the particular type of business you have on the property and on what the property has been zoned for. For instance, when you are looking at a business that has been zoned as a sales business, or as a particular type of establishment, you are going to want to then think about the type of taxes that will be applied.

One you've owned the inherited property, it is then yours, and the taxes are going to be exactly the same as they would have been had you owned the property all along.

Tax Consequences of Selling Inherited Property

The Best Campers For Sale - The Short List of What to Look For

If you're getting into camping, campers are a great way to start. You'll find an abundant list of campers on the market due to the economy. Here's what to look for in a camper.

Two kinds of campers. You'll be looking at two kinds of campers these days, truck campers and tow-behinds which are now generally called pop up campers because the top pops up when you progress it.   The pop up camper is very practical and economical. And don't think that pop up means primitive. Increasingly, you can look for hard-sided walls, a larger refrigerator, and dining inside and out. And you can tow them, and store them, just about anywhere. Something you can't say for most Rvs.   Most truck campers fit on the back of three-quarter to one-ton truck. They vary in price depending on size, accessories, and construction, though generally, you'll pay far less than you would for other Rvs because you won't be buying an motor or chassis. And many truck campers have equipment similar to that you would find in a gently priced motor home.

Motorhomes For Sale

Accoutrements. You'll want the camper to sleep at least 4, contain a dinette table (and you should expect it to turn to a bed), an overhead bunk, and a queen-size bed over the cab. Also look for a double sink, a toilet in the rear, and a shower. The shower will be interior in higher priced models and face on lower priced.

Slide Outs. The most recent rage in Rvs of all kinds is the slide out.  Slide outs allow travelers to progress the size of the camper swiftly and easily, often turning a "hallway" into a nook. Slide outs are very controversial. Everyone wants one; no one wants to do the maintenance to keep it from leaking colse to the seals. If you want a camper with slide outs, make sure you look into awnings for more protection.  

Often overlooked. If you're buying used campers for sale, making your good deal great, make sure you get assistance records. They should have at least receipts for repairs, assistance work, and maybe routine maintenance.

Inspect anyway. Even if the records are impeccable, don't part with your money without an inspection. You'll save yourself time, money, and heartache by passing on lemons rather than fixing them.

The Best Campers For Sale - The Short List of What to Look For

voyage Trailers For Sale By Owner - Is It An frugal Time To Buy?

There are numerous industries over the nation, such as the motor home industry, that are struggling with the downward turn of the economy. As the markets slump, costs of basic living rises, so citizen are not spending as freely and as frequently. Less dollars are going towards buying what is considered luxury, such as trip trailers for sale by owner. Some citizen reconsider high dollar Rvs and trip trailers for sale by owner to be less of a priority.

There are some buyers who are finding at trip trailers for sale by owner who may feel that this is a good time to buy. In fact, it should be noted that some trip trailers for sale by owner do not wish more gas consumption than what citizen are already using in their automobiles.

Motorhomes For Sale

There are smaller trip trailers for sale by owner that you can find on the market that could help save you gas money. These trip trailers for sale by owner could be towables, such as a pop-up camper or a truck trailer. These trip trailers for sale by owner are pulled by a car or truck in a gas effective manner.

All motorhomes for sale by owner that are towable units have the quality to be detached from their towing car and parked at the motor home campsite. By leaving the used camper motorhome at the site, driving colse to the town or area become more fuel efficient. Less large Rvs are being sold than smaller Rvs for sale by owner in this economy.

Buying a used motor home could also be found useful in these tough times. Homeowners have been struggling to stay balanced financially, so they are selling their Rvs. They are often selling their Rvs at a good price, and since the query is low, the buyer could get an ideal purchasing deal.

If you are a buyer, you have greater advantage. With less query for motor homes, the prices are falling below the market rate that they would have sold for a incorporate of years ago. Thus, Rv dealerships and wholesalers are gift special deals, as are those selling Rvs by owner.

People who are used to traveling may not want to convert their lifestyle to adapt to the economy. But, some have changed their first class plane tickets into a Rv unit. When one travels by motor home, there are many prudent benefits that complement the high quality style of life. It is concept that Rv trip is allocation friendly. citizen have the opening to save money by cooking in their Rv kitchen rather than eating out; citizen can sleep in the Rv, thus saving money on hotels; and citizen save money on activities because there are always things to do when you trip by Rv.

Some citizen who trip by Rv believe that a restful weekend or vacation can be had with family and loved ones in the Rv. So, due to the economic downturn, many citizen are renting or buying used Rvs and staying close to home by camping or taking a weekend trip.

voyage Trailers For Sale By Owner - Is It An frugal Time To Buy?

Used Motorhomes For Sale - Check Before Buying

If you are buying a motorhome from the market, then you should know that buying a second hand model will save you on a lot of money. Apart from the constraints of budget, there are a lot of other reasons why it is recommended that you get a second hand motorhome instead of a new one.

Depreciation is the biggest theorize why people should get used motorhomes for sale. Vehicles depreciate surely fast and this has been going on for a long time. The depreciation isn't just seen in for motorhomes; this is seen anywhere together with cars and bikes. You can take the benefit of motorhomes for salvage a lot of money. One more theorize for a fast allowance in the price of the automobiles is the Vat element.

Motorhomes For Sale

There are a lot of motorhomes which come along with extras and you will find goodies like reversing camera, alarm, awning, satellite navigation, generator, cycle rack, satellite Tv system, etc. The extra goodies inside the motorhome will add to the price but they will also make your holiday a memorable one. You should get the things that you surely need and skip the rest. The price of all this goodies are high but they don't all add up when it comes to second hand motorhomes. You will end up salvage a lot of money if you get all these accessories in second hand or used motorhomes.

If there are also warranties by manufacturers attached to the automobiles, then you should go ahead and get that automobile. You will end up salvage a lot of money if there is any warranty coverage attached to the Rv. You won't have to spend any money if there are problems inside the Rv. You need to make sure that the Rv is thoroughly covered under the warranty and you should get all the associated papers in your hands while getting the automobile. Check the papers to see if the warranty is genuine or not. If you feel that there is something fishy, then do not go ahead with the deal.

While buying used motorhomes from the market, it is foremost to see that you shouldn't buy something that is more than three years old. If you buying automobile that is surely old, then it might get damaged very soon. You will have to spend a lot of money on repairs and stuff.

You should also take a good look at the tires while buying motorhomes from the market. The tires need to be in good health or else you will have a bad driving experience. If the tires are healthy, then you will be able to drive the automobile easily. If the tires are bad, then you will be forced to replace the tires soon because bad tires consume a lot of fuel and they can also damage the vehicle. You should check the interior of the used motorhomes for sale while buying. The interiors need to be in good condition. They should match your taste; especially the living room should be big enough.

Used Motorhomes For Sale - Check Before Buying

Tennessee Homes

The state of Tennessee is situated in the Southeastern part of United States. The exotic charm of the place is guaranteed to draw hordes of people, especially those who are seeing for Tennessee Homes. The beautiful area of Tennessee is placed in one of the last tracts of perfect backwoods in the eastern part of United States. The most favorite cities of Tennessee are witnessing an increase in the estimate of families, which are relocating to the area. But at the same time there are those who are selling their Tennessee Homes to move on to some other up shop area of the country.

Tennessee has some perfect offerings to its residents like an perfect secret and collective schooling system. The residents does not have to pay any kind of revenue tax to the state, the widespread property tax rate is very low and also has a rigid law system. Nashville in Middle Tennessee is one of those areas that are developing rapidly; the region is gaining huge popularity as one of the fastest growing areas but it has still retained the flavor of a small town. Buyers who are seeing out for Tennessee Homes would be amazed to see the ready waterfront property in the region of Chattanooga, Tellico Lake, in addition to other real estate, that are put up for sale in the suburbs of Nashville.

Knox County Property Tax

The state promises to offer something or the other to population belonging to every age group. There are a large estimate of amusement parks, festivals, museums, shopping malls, ancient shop and appealing nightlife attractions, which promises to keep its residents busy throughout the year. The Tennessee realtors who are involved in Tennessee Real Estate dealings, are of the plan that there is a sound interrogate for single-family homes, condominiums as well as land for sale in favorite areas in Memphis, Nashville, and Knoxville. The population who are thinking of relocating to Tennessee and are seeing for Tennessee Homes would be glad to find out that there is sufficient provision for house rentals, apartments for sale and even Tennessee realty in each and every city, town and rural area of the state. With the availability of a estimate of Tennessee realtors, buying Tennessee Homes would not be much of a problem for the new residents.

Knox County is placed in the U.S. State of Tennessee, with Knoxville as the county seat. The origin of Tennessee River is very close to the heart of Knox County, more accurately at the union of the Holston and French Broad Rivers. There are a estimate of homes for sale in Knox County, ranging from 9,900 to 0,000. While selecting among the dissimilar Tennessee Homes the buyers would get the liberty to agree the perfect location, the estimate of bed rooms and other dissimilar facilities.

Tennessee Homes

How Property Taxes Are Calculated On A Home

Real estate properties in the U.S. are taxed by the federal and state governments. Taxes on these properties are a major source of revenue for local governments. Property tax rates, in the form of percentage, are usually decided by city councils, school boards, town boards, village boards and county legislatures and are collected each year by municipalities such as cities, counties and districts. Every year normally during September or October, the board conducts budget hearings to find out how much funds they will need for their operations the following year. The tax rate is then determined by dividing the board's total taxes by the total assessed value of the jurisdiction.

Property taxes have a special purpose. The funds collected from taxpayers
are used by municipalities to improve vital public facilities and infrastructure such as schools, sewers, libraries, fire stations, hospitals, parks, roads and bridges.

County Property Tax

Laws on the various aspects of real estate properties as well as forms of property tax vary from state to state. However, there's a standard formula in calculating property taxes on a home. The normal process involves multiplying the assessed value of a certain property by the prevailing tax rate. Exemptions, if any, are then deducted from the resulting figure. Currently, some 40 states give property tax credits or homestead exemptions that allow a property to have a lower taxable assessed value.

In some states, the property tax rate is known as a millage tax, millage rate or mill levy with one mill equivalent to 1/1,000 of a dollar. Simply put, an owner of a property will have to pay one dollar for every ,000 in taxable value.

The assessed value of a property is vital in determining the property tax. It is here where the assessor comes in and not in calculating the property tax as some other people might believe. To get the assessed value, the assessor estimates the market value of a property or the price it would likely sell for in the real estate market. This is done by conducting studies and analysis of the local real estate market and taking into consideration new construction, improvements done to the property and demolition of structures.

On your own as a homeowner, you should get an idea of your home's market value based on the sale prices of comparable properties in your neighborhood. If in the event you find that your assessment is a bit high, there is still a chance to have the value reduced through administrative and judicial proceedings or by consultation with your local assessor.

In coming up with the assessed value for residential properties, the actual value is multiplied by the residential assessment rate. The residential assessment rate is usually set by the state thus, it differs in every state.
So for example, the actual value of a home is 0,000 and the assessment rate is 7 percent, the assessed value would be ,400.

Meanwhile, in getting the property tax for the same home valued at 0,000 with a tax rate of say, 25 percent, multiply the assessed value with the tax rate (,400 x .025) and you'll have a property tax bill of ,100.

Keep in mind that property taxes have to paid each year and failure to do so would mean penalties. If possible, learn more about this important tax and other related programs such as tax breaks and tax reliefs that could provide you and your family reduced taxes.

How Property Taxes Are Calculated On A Home

Montgomery Central Appraisal District (MCAD) - Texas - Property Tax Protest

The TEXAS Montgomery Central Appraisal District [ MCAD ] appraises homes and other real estate; this value determines your property tax amount. Reducing your property taxes involves some knowledge and a modest commitment of time, although you do have the option to hire a professional property tax consultant. Basic steps to reducing the taxable value set by the appraisal district include annually protesting market value and/or unequal appraisal annually, reviewing the appraisal district evidence, preparing your case for presentation, attending the informal conference with a staff appraiser, and appearing at a formal appraisal review board (ARB) hearing if necessary.

Note: Most people are not aware that the Texas property tax code makes provision for the property owner to obtain the appraisal district evidence. This information, sometimes called the House Bill 201 package, can be very useful in preparing the case for your reduction.

County Property Tax

The administrative appeal process at the appraisal district office usually involves two steps: 1) an informal conference and 2) a formal ARB hearing. Although the property owner is not required to attend an informal hearing, most property tax protests are resolved by agreement between the property owner (or property tax consultant) and a county appraiser at these meetings. County appraisers are supposed to make changes if there is evidence to support the change, but they are typically reluctant to reduce the taxable value for home by significant amounts. The next level of meeting, which can occur if you are not able to reach an agreement one-on-one with the county appraiser, is a formal ARB hearing. Property owners who were not able to settle through an informal conference have a second opportunity to present their case, and are sometimes able to receive resolution at a formal ARB hearing.

It is important to arrive early for your appraisal district meetings and make an effort to have a polite, pleasant, and calm disposition, even if you are feeling anxious. After you check-in with the clerk at the front desk, be ready to wait 30 to 60 minutes. Maybe bring a book or some work to pass the time. Greet the appraisal staff kindly and graciously. At this level, their goal is like yours, to reach a settlement expediently. After you discuss evidence with a county appraiser, they will sometimes make an offer to settle your property tax protest. You can either accept the offer or continue your appeal with the ARB hearing. In most cases, the value offered informally will also be recommended by the county appraiser at the ARB hearing. The appraisal district knows that most property owners are often reluctant to attend the ARB hearing because of the additional time involved and the process of a formal presentation can feel intimidating for some people.

Formal hearings typically consist panels of three or more ARB representatives, the property owner (or property tax consultant ), and the county appraiser. After introductions and a short explanation of the process, the county appraiser will describe the subject property. The property owner presents opening evidence and responds to any questions from ARB representatives. Next, the staff appraiser presents evidence on behalf of the appraisal district and responds to any questions from the ARB panel. The property owner has an opportunity for rebuttal and to respond to any further questions from the ARB panel for clarification of the facts presented. Finally, the ARB panel deliberates and announces a decision. The decision is not subject to further negotiation at the hearing. You should politely thank the ARB members for their consideration. If you are not satisfied with their decision, you may be able to pursue binding arbitration or a judicial appeal.

Montgomery Central Appraisal District (MCAD) - Texas - Property Tax Protest

Property Taxes, Hazard Insurance, HOA Fees, and Foreclosure

When homes go into foreclosure, the owners are often far more worried about the mortgage payment than anything else. There are numerous costs involved with owning a house, though, and all of these need to be paid before and during the foreclosure. If they are not paid, and the homeowners are able to stop foreclosure before losing the home, they can quickly find themselves back in the same situation, in danger of being sued again for delinquent property taxes, homeowners association fees, or find themselves owning an uninsured home. Even worse, the lender may impose an escrow account or forced insurance on the property. Thus, it is important for foreclosure victims to keep on top of as many of the payments relating to the house as they can.

The county and city property taxes work slightly differently from the other charges mentioned above, due to their higher priority in the foreclosure proceedings, but they, along with any other liens on the property, will be wiped off after the sheriff sale of the house. When the sheriff sale is conducted, the house will be sold for whatever the highest bid amount is. These proceeds will be used to pay off everything that is affecting the house. First to be paid is any delinquent or currently due property taxes. The county gets paid first if the homeowners do not postpone the sheriff sale or work out a solution to prevent foreclosure.

County Property Tax

If the foreclosure victims can not save their house, there may be a possibility of delinquent taxes being added as a lien on the property before the foreclosure. The lender will try to prevent this, as they will want as much of their money as possible without a tax lien, which will include the costs for obtaining the lien, as well as the taxes themselves. However, this possibility depends on how the property tax is being paid, whether through escrow with the mortgage company, or if the homeowners are paying it on their own.

If property taxes are paid through the escrow account, then the lender will pay the property taxes as they come due. Of course, the amounts paid for taxes will be added to the total payoff needed to sell the house or refinance to stop foreclosure, but the taxes will be paid to the county on time. The bank will not let the house go into a property tax foreclosure while they are pursuing their own foreclosure, and this gives them the opportunity to add more interest and charges to the total payoff, as they can stack up more junk fees on a negative escrow balance.

If the homeowners are paying the taxes on their own, though, and they get behind, then the proceeds from the sheriff sale will be used to pay off the property taxes. When the sheriff sale is conducted, the sale price will be used to pay the taxes first, then the mortgage, then any second mortgage and other liens. But the property taxes will be paid, in order to prevent the county from taking possession of the house. The possibility of the county obtaining a lien on the house may be small, but it is usually enough for the bank to impose an escrow account on the homeowners. They simply pay the delinquent taxes and add that amount to the total payoff, along with related charges and interest, which drives up the amount needed to reinstate the loan or avoid foreclosure completely. The homeowners may not even know they are now paying extra every month to keep up a new escrow balance, until they have saved the home and are now making regular payments again -- it is just that the payments may be much higher than they originally were due to the imposed escrow payment.

After the property taxes are paid off through the sheriff sale, the first mortgage will be paid off with as much of the proceeds as are left. If there is not enough to pay the first mortgage completely, then the Homeowners Association (HOA) and other lienholders will simply get nothing.

Now, the HOA could try to sue the homeowners after the foreclosure for the amount of fees that were owed up to the date that they were no longer the owner of the house. It may not be worth the time or effort for them to try to sue and obtain a judgment, though, especially as it is commonly known that most foreclosure victims do not have the extra resources to pay a deficiency judgment and little motivation to work out a payment plan or other arrangements. It is more likely the HOA will simply give up on collecting the fees, as they will not be able to cover the costs of the lawsuit.

Hazard insurance, the last of the costs most commonly associated with the mortgage payment, is usually paid with the mortgage in the escrow or monthly payment. If that is not being paid, or the owners are responsible for paying the insurance on their own, there will be no lien placed on the property for it; the house simply does not have hazard insurance. If anything happens to the house while the insurance is not paid, the insurance will not cover it, obviously. This is another charge that the bank can impose on the property, if they know that the foreclosure victims are not taking care of it. Mortgage companies certainly do not want to loan money on a house that, if it is destroyed, will be a complete loss to them; insurance is most often mandatory for obtaining a loan in the first place.

The longer the foreclosure goes on, the higher costs will climb and the more difficult it will be for homeowners to solve the crisis and prevent foreclosure. Various expenses will still have to be kept on time, including the property taxes, homeowners association fees, and hazard insurance, or else the danger of future foreclosures will be present, or the lender may impose a forced, expensive escrow account to make sure they are paid. Extra liens may be placed on the title, and the homeowners may be sued after foreclosure or find that their insurance has lapsed and will not cover any damages that occur to the property. Thus, homeowners may find that they are fighting foreclosure on numerous fronts at once, but they need to be aware of all of the possibilities of letting their housing payments go into default. Foreclosure is obviously the most pressing concern, but it may be all the little charges that cause them to lose their homes, unless they gain enough foreclosure information to understand the entire process and what is truly at stake.

Property Taxes, Hazard Insurance, HOA Fees, and Foreclosure

How to Get a Motorhome For Sale at a Police Auction

All across the country you will be able to find police auctions and seized auctions where you can bid on used motorhomes. Many of these vehicles are won with a end bid that is just a small fraction of the true value of the motorhome.

A poplar type of auction is the Repo auction or repossessed auction. These auctions have a wide selection of vehicles on offer which have been repossessed due to foreclosure and need to be sold off as quickly as possible. The beginning bids are commonly very low indeed. Most of the vehicles are in good health but occasionally you will find older models that need checking over more wholly beforehand.

Motorhomes For Sale

Another class of auction that is similar to the repossessed auctions is the police auction or seized auction. The vehicles up for auction here have all been confiscated by the authorities mostly due to being deemed as a ensue of illegal earnings. Most of these vehicles are in very good health too.

Police auctions and repossessed auctions don't seem to be publicized very much and are principally attended by members of the trade. They are any way open to the public. There are a few websites that comprise details of upcoming police auctions and the vehicles which will be on offer. See the link at the end of this article.

Here are some pointers to help you get the best deal inherent at auction:

Firstly you need to get very clear on the type of motorhome you will be bidding on before attending the auction. It is no good going to the auction to search for different styles of Rv. The viewing time at the auction should be spent intensively checking over every detail of any candidate vehicles. If you are not sure as to which Rv is best for you then borrow or hire one for a few days to see how it goes and you will get a good idea as to the size and class of Rv which will be best for you and your family.

You need to spend a great deal of time scrutinizing any car you intent to bid on. search for the engine, the brakes, the underside, the bodywork , the roof, the heating, the electrics, the seating, the cupboards, the air conditioning and all things else. Don't forget to enlist the help of your local mechanic friend too. Take notes of whatever that needs repairing or replacing.

Next you need to assessment a price. You should be aware of the general price bracket for the type of Rv you are finding at and the age. Make sure you have the motorhome press with you and check out other similar vehicles that may be for sale there as a guide. Add to your price assessment the price of the repairs that you noted down before and there you have your value. This should be your absolute maximum bid as bidding higher would mean paying more than the car is worth. In most cases the bidding will end well before reaching your valuation figure.

How to Get a Motorhome For Sale at a Police Auction

Houses With Unpaid Property Taxes - A Unique Investing Opportunity

If you've been investing in mortgage pre-foreclosure homes with little success, you may want to look into switching up your game plan and investing in houses with unpaid property taxes instead. Why? One simple reason: they rarely, if ever, are encumbered by a mortgage.

Houses with unpaid property taxes that make it all the way to tax sale have a few things in common.

County Property Tax

First of all, they've had ample opportunity to be "saved" by their mortgage companies. Normally, if a house has unpaid property taxes and is in danger of being sold at tax sale, the mortgage company will come in and pay the taxes to avoid losing their stake in the property. More often than that, mortgage payments include property tax- so those houses would never end up with unpaid property taxes.

Secondly, the taxes have been unpaid for quite some time. Although there is state code governing how long a property can go with unpaid taxes before being sold at tax sale, often they go much longer due to the discretion of the county (sheriff, clerk, tax commissioner, etc). Once taxes have gone unpaid for that amount of time, we can guess the owner isn't planning on paying them off, or that they don't have the money, or simply don't have a clue that the property will be auctioned off. (Sometimes, they aren't even aware that they own the property at all!)

Finally, the most important thing they have in common is that they are a lucrative investment opportunity. While investing at the actual tax sale isn't always a great way to get a deal on houses with unpaid property taxes, due to the competition from other bidders, you can often get these properties directly from their indigent or uninterested owners for token amounts. They key is to contact them just before the property is going to be lost forever, when they've got nothing to lose by selling to you.

Houses With Unpaid Property Taxes - A Unique Investing Opportunity

Tax Lien Property For Sale - How to Find Them For Free

Finding a tax lien property for sale is pretty easy. Finding a property that is worth buying, especially in today's economic climate, is a bit more tricky. My goal with this brief article is to show you 3 different ways to find pending tax lien sales worth buying... and how to find them for free.

But first, the basics...

County Property Tax

What are tax lien sales?

A tax lien sale is when a government agency auctions off any tax liens against a property to recoup any delinquent taxes against the property. These sales are usually conducted by the tax collectors office or the sheriff's office.

It is important to note that there are two different ways for the government to collect delinquent taxes. One would be this type of sale (tax lien sales), and the other is known as a tax deed sale.

In a tax lien sale, the investor is buying the lien itself. The winning bidder will receive a certificate at the end of the auction that entitles the investor to collect payments for the delinquent taxes, often at a high interest rate. This certificate also allows the investor to foreclose on the property after a specified redemption period if the taxes remain unpaid.

In a tax deed sale, the real estate itself is put on the auction block. The winning bidder takes possession of the property in the form of a tax deed.

Whether your goal is to invest in tax liens or to bid in tax deed sales, the first step is the same: Identifying properties that have tax liens against them.

Where are tax lien records maintained and recorded?

More times than not, tax liens are filed and maintained at the state level. This means two things for you as an investor:

1. There may be a bit more legwork involved (these databases are seldom on the internet) 2. If there is more legwork, there is a much higher chance that you will find worthwhile properties

Generally speaking, the easier it is to find an investment opportunity, the less valuable it is. As my mentor always told me... "Always look for problem properties... and look where nobody else is looking." The best deals are always the ones not many people know about, or the ones that not many people know what to do with.

With that said, this is...

How to find tax lien properties in your state

1. The county recorders office

This is the most time consuming strategy, but is very accurate. Every county in the U.S. has a place where public record is recorded. This would include things like deeds, wills, notices, mortgages and both federal and state tax liens.

Many times there will be a computer on site where you can search across the records. Doing a search for something like "tax lien" will usually uncover a vast list of properties that you can then pay to print out.

2. Tax collectors office

The tax collector usually maintains a list of properties that are going into tax deed sale as well as properties the state is offering tax lien certificates against. Give them a call to make sure they maintain such a list, and it isn't held at the Sheriff's office. Then ask what the procedure is to get one of these lists. They may give you a bit of a hard time; simply remind them that this information is public record and you should be all set.

3. Local Newspaper

As part of the sale process, the county must give "public notice" of all upcoming tax sales. These are always either before or after the classifieds. Go through this section religiously... it is your new golden goose. Make note of the properties that look interesting, and do your due diligence from there.

4. Subscription based list services

This is the only strategy that will cost you some money... which is why I didn't mention it earlier. Consider it a bonus.

Honestly, these types of services are a dime a dozen. Some are better than others. The biggest benefit is the speed that you get access to the information. Always look for ones that update often; generally speaking, locally based websites are better than national ones. If you do a basic search on Google you'll get a list of plenty to choose from.

Tax Lien Property For Sale - How to Find Them For Free

How To Search New Jersey Property Tax Records on the Internet

Property Tax Records are available to the public in the state of New Jersey. The public tax databases contain a wealth of important information that will help you become educated home owners as well as potential home buyers. Until recently, searching the tax records involved a trip down to the county records office and probably the better part of an afternoon. Not anymore, with just a few clicks you can search tax records in any of the following NJ counties:
Atlantic, Bergen, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Essex, Gloucester, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Salem, Somerset, Sussex, Union, and Warren
The three most popular public tax records databases for New Jersey are:
Morris County Tax Board Monmouth County Tax Board
Why so many links?

Open them up and take a look. You'll notice that not every site has the most up-to-date database, and some sites (like Monmouth and TaxRecords) allow you to search all counties. All of these sites are free to use and contain information that is obtained directly from each county tax board.

County Property Tax

How do you search the tax record databases?

The Monmouth and Morris County Tax Board sites are among the easiest to use. On these sites you are able to search by property owner (last name), street name and address, as well as the direct block and lot number. When you search by street name, these sites will list all the properties on that given street. When searching by street name it is recommended that you just type in the name of the street; for example if you want to search for properties on "Main Street" just type in "Main" and search. When searching by name, simply type in a last name.

What valuable information lies in each tax record?

You'll find the basic information on the property block and lot location, property size in acres, owner name and address, the current property assessment, and the current and past taxes paid on that property. Total assessment price is broken down into two values, one for the land and the other for the improvements. The land assessment value is what the raw land is worth; whereas the improvement assessment value is the combined value of any buildings and structures on that property. The next best piece of information available to you is the "last sale" information. This shows you the last time this property changed deed owners and what the sales price was. This is an extremely useful piece of information that you can use when potentially purchasing a home.

How can this information be used?

If you are a current property owner and you think you are paying too much in property taxes, you can easily find properties that surround your home and determine how much your neighbors are paying in taxes. Some records will also list the square footage of the home and the acreage of the lot so you can see how properties compare to eachother. This information comes extremely handy if you want to appeal your current tax assessment. If you are a potential home buyer, you can see what surrounding houses are worth and what they currently pay in property taxes. This easily lets you know if the home seller is charging a fair market value price for their home.

How To Search New Jersey Property Tax Records on the Internet

Best Places to Find Old Motorhomes for Sale

Older models of motorhomes are out there everywhere for sale. They are on the lots, conspiratorially for sale and everything in between! This is not such a bad thing though, because those ones that have been barely taken out on the roads are the diamonds in the rough. These types of old motorhomes for sale are not as rare as one may first think! So many barely used motorhomes sit in the parking garages and driveways of many just waiting to be bought by a house wanting to apply it.

There are those motorhomes with high mileage of many years pertaining to numerous fulfilled happy vacations, but then there are those newly bought, used once and parked to obtain dust. The least used will be those of higher priced between the two extremes of used motorhomes for sale. The decision of which divergence to choose is all up to you and your house needs. There are many points to look at when production your speculation choices over which used R.V. Is the right one to purchase.

Motorhomes For Sale

There will be many things to think besides prices. One of the first things to be considered is the former mileage of the pre-owned motorhome. This will give you a good idea of the wear and tear within the motor that could cost you more than the former for sale price savings later on. There is also the sink and bathroom system. No matter is the highest class or the most basic, you do not want to buy any motorhome home that will cost you in redoing the interior if you were not planning on modifications during your final purchasing.

If wanting to save larger amounts of money when purchasing pre-owned recreational vehicles, inside amenities or the bare necessities of choices are at your hand. If you are buying from a underground owner, it is up to the purchaser for production sure everything properly works inside and out of the used motorhome. Old motorhomes for sale can also be found upon new and used lots and dealerships. These pre-owned motorhomes are fully checked from top to lowest for engine, interior, and exterior maintenance.

So where exactly do you find old motorhomes for sale? There are the underground owners in the local papers and regional ads, there are the local recreational car sales lots and direct dealerships, and then there are local, regional and national websites all over the Internet to choose from. It is important to use any of these resources before buying. There are so many ways to study a motorhome today before purchasing your house speculation that it is hard to go wrong!

Best Places to Find Old Motorhomes for Sale

States With No Income Taxes & States With Low Property Taxes

Real Estate Investing & Property Tax Rates

In the United States, property tax is assessed by local government at the municipal or county level. The property tax assessment is based on two values--the value of the land, and the value of the building. Since property tax is calculated at a local-level--and since changes occur frequently--it's tricky to determine the exact spots where property tax is the lowest. However, the following information should help you locate areas with high appreciation AND low property taxes.

County Property Tax

Which States Have the Lowest Property Tax Rates?

County tax rates are often averaged into a single figure, and this number is used when comparing property taxes between states. Surprisingly, Wyoming has the lowest property tax rates. Unfortunately, property values in Wyoming tend to be pretty depressed, due to low population influx and a lack of jobs. Also, Wyoming does not rank highly when it comes to appreciation rates for residential and commercial real estate. Just because an area has low property taxes does not mean it will be the best area to invest in (or relocate to).

What to Look For When Investing

Look for an area that has a consistent rate of real estate appreciation, combined with fairly low property taxes. Often, local property tax rates are low because real estate appreciation in the area is low--so you need to be careful. Cities located next to universities and areas where businesses are relocating are usually excellent spots to buy real estate. Paying attention to population growth can help you spot real estate trends and make wiser investments.

Medium-Sized Cities With the Lowest Property Tax Rates

According to data gathered by the Office of the CFO in Washington, D.C., the following cities have the lowest property tax rates in 2006, based on an annual income of ,000. Assuming you earn ,000 annually, here are the property tax amounts you would pay in each city...

Birmingham AL -- 8

Cheyenne WY -- ,108

Phoenix AZ -- ,248

Wichita KS -- ,309

Denver CO -- ,362

Charleston WV -- ,395

Oklahoma City OK -- ,538

Kansas City, MO -- ,595

Little Rock AR -- ,648

Louisville, KY -- ,713

Jacksonville FL -- ,744

Honolulu HI -- ,781

Billings MT -- ,864

Salt Lake City, UT -- ,904

Virginia Beach VA -- ,918

Jackson MS -- ,971

Charlotte, NC -- ,021

Boise, ID -- ,176

Columbia SC -- ,214

Las Vegas NV -- ,225

Sioux Falls SD -- ,228

New Orleans, LA -- ,231

Wilmington DE -- ,416

Memphis TN -- ,501

Albuquerque NM -- ,517

Houston TX -- ,861

The Connection Between State Income Taxes & Property Tax Rates

States with no income tax (see list below) usually have high property tax rates in their respective counties (The state needs to get its revenue from somewhere!). However, the trade-off is that you will have zero taxes on all earned income. This can be a huge advantage. Instead of paying the state 7 to 15 percent (or more) of your income, you can keep your hard-earned money, and invest it back into real estate or other investments. There are currently nine states that do not tax income at the state level.

States With No Income Tax




South Dakota




New Hampshire*


*New Hampshire and Tennessee do not tax earned income, but they DO tax capital gains (dividend and interest income).

How To Find the Best of Both Worlds: Low Property Tax & No State Income Tax

If you're looking for the best of both worlds (low property tax and no state income tax), you may want to consider the following cities:

Sioux Falls, SD

Houston, Texas

Jacksonville, Florida

Memphis, TN

Cheyenne, WY

Las Vegas, Nevada

You can also explore less well-known cities in the nine "no-income-tax" states. Smaller towns and cities generally offer "quality of life" advantages, and higher-than-average price appreciation and growth.


Now you know which states don't tax income, and which areas have the lowest property tax rates. Armed with this knowledge, you can focus on finding the best spot for your next home or real estate investment.

States With No Income Taxes & States With Low Property Taxes

Motorhomes For Sale At Auction

A seized auction or a police auction can be one of the best places to get a great business transaction on a good motorhome. This type of auction is just like any other auction except for the vehicles on offer have all been repossessed for one conjecture or another. Some through have been seized for non-payment and others as part of bankruptcy repossessions. Most of the vehicles ready at these auctions are not that old and seem to have undoubtedly low mileage and are more often than not in good condition.

One of the great things about these auctions is that the opportunity bids are usually undoubtedly low and some improbable bargains can be had. Occasionally the bidding does get carried away and care must be taken not to get pulled into bidding over the odds for what started out as an apparent bargain.

Motorhomes For Sale

When buying from one of these auctions the first thing to do is to have a thorough look over the vehicle. Take a mechanic with you if you can to check over the motor and the driving side of things. Make sure that all inside the motorhome works, check out the heating, air conditioning, refrigerator, stove etc. Make sure that all of the lockers and doors both inside and outside the vehicle are working. Check for damp patches in the ceilings in the corners and behind the units and at the back of the lockers. Also check for damp around the carpets near the kitchen area and in the bathroom. In short, give the motorhome a thorough looking over whilst making notes as you go of all that doesn't work or that needs attention or replacement.

The best way to put a price on a motorhome is to find a similar model with similar fittings. You now need to work out an approximate value for the motorhome. You will not be able to use the 'blue book' or 'Nada' prices as definite guides due to the fact that these only take into inventory the vehicle model, age, mileage and allembracing condition. They do not take into inventory the fittings and fixtures included nor the allembracing health of the living areas. To be able to price a motorhome effectively you need to study the prices of similar models for sale in the local press or in the specialized motorhome press.

Once you have an idea how much the motorhome you want to bid on is worth you can work out your maximum bid. Check the notes you made earlier and work out how much it would cost to put right the problems you have noted down. Add to the price the auctioneers fees and commissions which are usually about 10%. This will give you your top price for bidding. Any bid over that price you might and you will be paying over the odds for the vehicle.

More often than not there are many other vehicles at the auction and the auctioneers will be trying to get through as many as inherent in the one day. For this conjecture they tend to make the starting bids very low. With a bit o luck you can take advantage of this as there will be few habitancy attending who are in the store for motorhomes. This means that you should be able to get the motorhome of your selection for only a fraction of the price you have calculated as its value. At times however you will find that the price becomes elevated by fresh and over zealous bidders. If this happens you should plainly back out and wait for the next vehicle or the next auction. Try not to come to be tempted and sucked into a bidding war once your upper bidding limit has been surpassed.

You can find seized auctions and police auctions which are held usually at many locations all over the country. To find out the details you can get way to a usually updated database which holds the places where the auctions will be held along with a list of the vehicles that will be on offer. The Seized vehicle Auctions web site and the
Auction Pass web site are two reputable sites where you can get way to these databases.

For more data and ideas on how to find used campers for sale and how to value them see our web site listed below.

Motorhomes For Sale At Auction

Used travel Trailers For Sale Now at Their bottom Prices, Here's How to Find Them

It's easy to go out and buy a brand new Rv if you have lots of money to spend. Many of us, though have found used trip trailers for sale at far good prices. Right now is an excellent time to be searching for a used Rv, because many owners are having to sell to save money, or to gain a diminutive extra to help their financial situation.

Always start searching for the ideal Rv in your local area. If you are lucky adequate to find one, you will save on traveling and vehicle costs. Look in your local newspaper or search Craigslist on the internet to see if there are any used trip trailers for sale. Craigslist has a search page for each city. If there are none in your area and you are impatient to start Rving, you may need to broaden your search to other nearby cities. Sometimes the extra drive is worth it for the best Rv deal.

Motorhomes For Sale

A word of caution when buying an Rv from an owner. While some owners plainly want to get rid of the vehicle regardless of the price they get, most want the highest price potential to perfect their financial obligations, buy a new Rv or to heighten their general situation. You may still get a good price than from a dealership who has put their mark-up on the Rv, but is it the best that you can get?

Your lowest price option will be to find a used trip trailer for sale at an auction. Lately, there have been many Rvs and other vehicles that have been repossessed by banks and reputation unions. Auctions can be held by the state, county, marshal, sheriff or any other governing body. These Rvs are not selling for a profit, only to cover the bank's, or other institution's, losses, therefore you are bound to find a bargain. Every month there are many auctions held in every state. You are much more likely to find a good Rv at an auction, than waiting for a favorable one to appear in the classifieds.

Your only dilemma is to find the best auctions in your local area. Sometimes auctions are advertised in the newspaper, but there are many more available. They can even be online auctions. The easiest option is to come to be a member of a website that will give you access to distinct databases of auctions. They offer varying membership prices for monthly, annual or lifetime sign-ups.

Your search for the excellent used trip trailers for sale is practically over. Sign up with a good website, choose a promising auction in your area, and have fun getting the best deal possible.

Used travel Trailers For Sale Now at Their bottom Prices, Here's How to Find Them

The Truth About Tax Lien Investing

What is tax lien investing anyway and why is it such a good investment? What is the difference between tax lien and tax deed investing and what are some of the misconceptions about this type of investment? Read on the find the answers to these questions...

Counties and municipalities depend on money from property taxes to meet their budget. When property owners don't pay their taxes, the county or municipality will sell the taxes to an investor. The investor is not buying the property but paying the taxes on the property and putting a lien on the property. Why would an investor want to do this? Two reasons; first they are getting a good interest rate on their money and secondly a tax lien comes before most other liens, so the investor is likely to get paid.

County Property Tax

In some states, when a property owner does not pay their taxes, instead of selling a lien on the property, the county or municipality will sell the property at a tax deed sale. In states that sell tax deeds you are actually buying the property. In some states the property is sold for back taxes and penalties, in other states the property is sold for a certain percentage of assessed value and in other states the property is sold at market value. A tax deed can be a good investment, especially in states that sell the property for the back taxes because the investor has a chance to buy real estate at under market value.

Some states sell redeemable tax deeds, in which the county does sell the deed to the property at the tax sale. But there is a redemption period in which the delinquent taxpayer can come back and redeem the property. In order to redeem the property the delinquent taxpayer must pay the investor either a penalty or interest on their investment. Some redeemable deed states have a penalty and some have an interest rate. In some states the penalty or interest can be quite high, making it very attractive to the investor.

Because people have been told that tax liens are a great investment and that they can make such good interest rates, they assume that interest is paid out by the county or municipality on a regular basis. The truth about tax lien investing is that you do not get paid a cent until the delinquent property owner decides to redeem the lien. If they do not pay during the redemption period (which is different for every state) then you can foreclose on the property in order to get paid on your lien.

Another misunderstanding about tax lien investing is that after the redemption period is over, the lien holder will automatically get the deed to the property. The truth about foreclosing on a tax lien is that in most states you need a lawyer in order to foreclose and get the deed to the property, and in other states (Florida for example) the property will be sold in a tax deed sale, and will be auctioned to the highest bidder, so your chances of coming away with the property for what you have invested in it are not good.

Some people have the misunderstanding that tax lien investing is a good way to buy properties for pennies on the dollar. This does not happen very often. Especially in states where the value of real estate is very high, the tax lien will almost always redeem sometime during the foreclosure process. Tax lien investing is a way to get a high return on your money. If you are interested in buying property for under market value, you are better of with tax deeds or redeemable tax deeds.

The Truth About Tax Lien Investing

Used Rv's For Sale at 'Repo' Auctions

What are 'Repo' auctions?

'Repo' auctions or repossessed auctions are held ordinarily throughout the country and are organized by financial companies. These associates have repossessed vehicles and goods ordinarily due to foreclosure or non-payment. They are paying for the warehouse of the vehicles and are only concerned in cutting their losses and getting rid of the vehicles as fast as possible. For this infer they put them up for auction with no keep prices and well low starting bids.

Motorhomes For Sale

How often do they happen?

These will happen once or twice a year but as they are held in many places you can nearly all the time find one happening close to most weeks.

Where can I find them?

The auctions are not ordinarily publicized and as such are ordinarily quite difficult to locate. They are attended mostly by members of the trade, dealers and the like but they are open to the public. There are a merge of websites that contribute lists of all the police or seized auctions along with the vehicles available at each - see the link at the end of this article.

How do you view the vehicles?

There is ordinarily a time set aside for the viewing of the vehicles before the bidding starts. In some cases a account is produced well before hand and a whole day or two is allocated for viewing.

Can you test drive them?

This is ordinarily not allowed but you are permitted to start the engines and witness as much as you need to.

Are they well that good a deal?

If a good end price is your objective then yes. You don't have the security, guarantees or financial payment schemes that a dealership will offer but it is often quite feasible to walk away with a luxury motorhome for as tiny as 10% of the book price.

Used Rv's For Sale at 'Repo' Auctions

Get a Used Rv For Sale Cheap at Repo Auctions

There are any advantages to buying an Rv at auction.   You can legitimately save thousands on the first purchase. Dealers ordinarily need to mark new Rvs up 30 to 40% to cover their overhead. While it's not unheard of to buy a used Rv below wholesale at auction.   You are also less likely to end upside on the purchase, since the price is heavily discounted when you buy. And you may be able to avoid today's tight store for financing altogether.  

Yes, you can find campers for sale at auction in very good health You're buying someone's used vacation vehicle, or the catalogue off a lot when a dealer left the company or went bankrupt. Financiers regularly need quite good reputation to buy an Rv new. Chances are good that the unit you're buying was well looked after. You may even be able to get a used Rv for sale still under the manufacturer's warranty.  

Motorhomes For Sale

So, how do you find the best auctions?   Rvs go on sale regularly as a supervene of government surpluses (like the Fema campers for Hurricane Katrina), seized vehicles, and repos. The key is to find the auctions which are ordinarily not well publicized. The key is to find out where and how often.   There aren't a lot of ways to find the auctions.
Keep an eye on your local classified ads, and Craigslist. You're finding for auctions sponsored by a government body. They'll regularly show up as "Government Auctions", or "State Auctions", "Marshall's auctions" or something similar. Read the Rv trades and press and look for announcements. Make a local dealer your friend. They may tell you where they find used campers or even look out for a definite model for you for a small fee. Join a site that announces collective auctions.A website is your most favorable option and the most reliable. They will gain all the facts you need for a host of auctions in your area and around the country - times and places of sales, directions, and taste facts if the auction is live. And they'll let you bid from your Pc if the auction is online.   Do your homework though, the few very good auction sites track thousands of auctions. They vary widely in the number they charge you, the kinds of auctions they track, and how easy it is to find the auctions you want on their site.  

Get a Used Rv For Sale Cheap at Repo Auctions

Fema Has Campers For Sale Super Cheap - But Should You Buy One?

It will come as welcome news to many people. The trailers that Fema (the Federal accident administration Agency) stockpiled in 2005 are again coming on the market for sale. Consumers have been buying them for a song.

But should you hop on the buying bandwagon? Here's a list of pros and cons.

Motorhomes For Sale

The advantages:

Price: As I said, they're going for a lark. The Washington Post reported an midpoint sale price of ,367 on these trailers and mobile homes reputedly worth ,620 each. In other words, buyers are paying about 40 cents on the dollar.

Condition. Many trailers were hardly used. Some are like new.

Availability. As of their most recent post, Fema claims an excess list of 120,000 units. They say they will be selling trailers and mobile homes for the next 3 years to clear inventory.

The disadvantages:

Price. The majority of the 10,839 tour trailers Fema sold between July 24, 2006 and July 23, 2007 were sold as scrap. So tht's , 936 for campers for sale and ,479 for mobile homes that you cannot live in.

Condition. Many trailers are not in great shape. Those sold in the past have been uninhabitable. Which, in Fema parlance, meant they could be used only as office space or storage containers. It was Fema's way of handling the high levels of formaldehyde fumes given off by the building materials that you'll recall stung the eyes of Katrina victims and gave them unremitting upper respiratory problems.

The units coming on sale now are not classified as scrap. They're "repairable". Generally, that means they need up to ,500 of work done to mend damage they suffered from sitting empty in damp places and being moved several times.

Availability. They are currently parked at an airport in Hope Kansas. And you have to pay to make them road worthy, and then to move them.

Our traditional question.

Should you buy one? Of course, the reply depends on where you are, how much you have to invest, and what you want to use it for.

Fema campers are being scooped up monthly. The irony is that due to the economy, there are thousands of  campers for sale at auction each month from government surplus and seized  and repossessed list with beginning bids as low as 0.  citizen just don't know how to find them. There is no infer to ignore the Fema campers. Just keep your eyes open for great deals on great Rvs. They are out there and abundant.

Fema Has Campers For Sale Super Cheap - But Should You Buy One?