All across the country you will be able to find police auctions and seized auctions where you can bid on used motorhomes. Many of these vehicles are won with a end bid that is just a small fraction of the true value of the motorhome.
A poplar type of auction is the Repo auction or repossessed auction. These auctions have a wide selection of vehicles on offer which have been repossessed due to foreclosure and need to be sold off as quickly as possible. The beginning bids are commonly very low indeed. Most of the vehicles are in good health but occasionally you will find older models that need checking over more wholly beforehand.
Motorhomes For Sale
Another class of auction that is similar to the repossessed auctions is the police auction or seized auction. The vehicles up for auction here have all been confiscated by the authorities mostly due to being deemed as a ensue of illegal earnings. Most of these vehicles are in very good health too.
Police auctions and repossessed auctions don't seem to be publicized very much and are principally attended by members of the trade. They are any way open to the public. There are a few websites that comprise details of upcoming police auctions and the vehicles which will be on offer. See the link at the end of this article.
Here are some pointers to help you get the best deal inherent at auction:
Firstly you need to get very clear on the type of motorhome you will be bidding on before attending the auction. It is no good going to the auction to search for different styles of Rv. The viewing time at the auction should be spent intensively checking over every detail of any candidate vehicles. If you are not sure as to which Rv is best for you then borrow or hire one for a few days to see how it goes and you will get a good idea as to the size and class of Rv which will be best for you and your family.
You need to spend a great deal of time scrutinizing any car you intent to bid on. search for the engine, the brakes, the underside, the bodywork , the roof, the heating, the electrics, the seating, the cupboards, the air conditioning and all things else. Don't forget to enlist the help of your local mechanic friend too. Take notes of whatever that needs repairing or replacing.
Next you need to assessment a price. You should be aware of the general price bracket for the type of Rv you are finding at and the age. Make sure you have the motorhome press with you and check out other similar vehicles that may be for sale there as a guide. Add to your price assessment the price of the repairs that you noted down before and there you have your value. This should be your absolute maximum bid as bidding higher would mean paying more than the car is worth. In most cases the bidding will end well before reaching your valuation figure.
How to Get a Motorhome For Sale at a Police Auction
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